Основната дейност на фирмата е пакетаж и търговия с хранителни стоки.Използваме доста селскостопански продукти като суровина за пакетиране и производство на зеленчукови и плодови консерви,които търгуваме под наша търговска марка Fiorre.
Шери 61 ЕООД
75% completed page
Up to date information
Member since 2021 year
Active Business Plan
2 yearsAbout Us
Annual purchases + sales<5 000 EUR
Cultivated landDoes not cultivate land
Raised animalsDoes not raise animals
Maintained bee coloniesDoes not raise bee colonies
Managed water reservoirDoes not manage a water reservoir
Warehouses and Service Locations
Spoken languagesBulgarian English
Innovative initiativesDoes not offer innovative initiatives
Processing and Packaging FacilitiesPackaging facility
Other connections with the agriculture sectorThere are no other connections with the agriculture sector
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